How to play
Hondo is a word guessing game.
The code word includes R, but it's not the first letter.
The code word ends with T.
(Uncolored letters are not in the code word.)
When you get a code word, play continues with a new one.
The last five guesses stay on the board as clues.
Got one code word (proof)…
…now guess the next.
Watch your energy gauge
Every guess drains one bar, but a correct guess replenishes one bar instead.
The game ends if your energy runs out.
Every correct guess scores one point.
Consecutive correct guesses score bonus points.
The goal
Score 100 points (a Hondo) as fast as possible.
There are two special abilities you can play by using energy.
Hit shuffle any time to replace the board with five new random guesses. Costs 2 energy.
Use skip to get a new code word. Costs 1 energy.
Using an ability does not count as a guess, and does not interrupt streaks.
Hints and tips
- Guess words with common letters first.
- Keep an eye on the keyboard. Highlighted keys are discovered; darkened keys are not in the code word.
- Shuffles and skips are key. They can get you out of a jam, or extend streaks for bonus points.
- Shuffle when you need more info;
- Skip when you're close to the code word, but there are too many possibilities to guess confidently.
- Remember letters in the code word might repeat.
- There's a way to “cheat” and peek back at the board from before your last move…
- Be patient; haste is costly. Getting a high score requires logic, strategy, and luck.